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ClearCorrect vs Invisalign: Which Is The Best Bet?

There is so much hype around clear aligners. We see it in magazines, on television, and on social media. Whether it is a celebrity boasting about the benefits of clear aligners or a friend showing their progress on Instagram, it is undeniable that aligners produce amazing cosmetic results. Two of the best-branded aligners and most popular among dental offices are ClearCorrect and Invisalign.

The Main Differences Between ClearCorrect vs. Invisalign

The main differences between ClearCorrect and Invisalign are: 

  1. ClearCorrect material is more opaque while Invisalign uses a matte appearance which blends in with our natural teeth well.
  2. ClearCorrect has a straight cut edge while Invisalign uses a scalloped edge to match our gum lines. A straight cut edge can apply more forces to the teeth to move than a scallope
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The Best Invisalign Alternatives To Consider

Very few individuals are imbued with a perfect smile. Sometimes it feels as though only celebrities have those perfect smiles cast upon them by some strange and foreign fate. What one often does not realize is that truly very few people will retain an ideal arch and smile through adolescence and especially into adulthood. Many perfect smiles are a result not typically from some elite genetic code, but rather from deliberate orthodontic procedures. 

Our smiles convey a lot of information. Our nonverbal communication is enhanced by our gestures and smiles and our appearance is guided in a large part by those same smiles. Having insecurity regarding one’s smile can sincerely affect how one conducts themselves. Further still, there is the health aspect of misalignments, better referred to officially as malocclusions.

Malocclusions can affect the way one eats, speaks, and

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Byte Review: Are They The Right Aligners for You?

Byte Review

Clear aligners are one of the most popular cosmetic treatments in the dental industry because of its convenience and esthetics. Removable aligners offer the ability to correct imperfections of teeth to create a straight smile while being nearly invisible.

This discreet treatment option is appealing for most adults who want to avoid traditional metal braces. Now, direct-to-consumer aligner companies are offering a more affordable way for people to improve their smiles and correct any malocclusion.

Why choose Byte?


Byte offers clear aligners that are unique compare

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Smilelove Review: Is It What You’re Looking For?

If you are in the search for a discreet way to improve your smile, Smilelove may be the cosmetic solution for you. Like many people, you are looking for an effective and convenient way to straighten your teeth from the ease of home. Clear aligners offered at your dentist may entice you to help straighten your teeth and build your confidence, but not at the high cost that traditional orthodontics may run.

Smilelove developed as an affordable and convenient online company for people looking to straighten their teeth but at a fraction of the cost of a service like Invisalign. Clear aligners are top requested cosmetic services at dental offices because they are less visible than traditional braces and they are removable. Each year, the request for clear aligners only goes up meaning there are more and more online aligner companies developing to meet people’s high expectations at lower costs. Even more desirable to

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Candid Review: An Upfront and Honest Look at Candid

An Upfront and Honest Look at Candid

Orthodontic work is one of the least fun subjects an adult can find themselves thinking over. Still, some 35 percent or so of adults could benefit from orthodontic work of some kind.

When it comes to orthodontic work, one’s mind might immediately jump to the proverbial tales of braces and metal faces we all grew up seeing. Thankfully, advancements in the last few decades or so have made modern orthodontics a lot more concealable and less invasive on top of that.

Candid is one such innovator and pioneer. Candid is a clear dental aligner company that supplies aligners and orthodontic services through non-conventional means–i.e. online.

Invisalign is a well-known marketer of the transparen

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Smile Direct Club Review: Should You Join?

Orthodontic work has come a long way from its honorably archaic roots. Braces’ heyday may still be at bay, but now it has less of an appeal when compared to the innovations provided by the development of transparent aligners in the late 1990s. Suddenly, clunky, invasive, and irritating braces were an afterthought to the sleek, concealed, and less cumbersome durable aligners that got the job done.

One might recall their youth growing up around those who had braces, wondering if they themselves would have to have them in their adulthood. Fortunately, now there’s an alternative solution that could mitigate many of the concerns for reaching out for orthodontic treatment.

It is not well known that many adults could benefit from orthodontic work of some kind. Most of us might think, “Well, I don’t have any crazy teeth misalignment

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